Monday, January 19, 2009

Day of Confidence

Pruneaux au vin blanc, originally uploaded by FinasZ.

Hey look! It’s already Monday; wow the weekend went by really really fast. On that note it’s already the start of my third week at Le Cordon Bleu! WOOOOOOOOOO!!!! For some odd reason, last night I only slept for 4-5 hours, either way I was able to survive through the day. Today was a normal day with 2 classes, since I had a triple threat on Friday and ended off with a demonstration class. We started the day out with a practical class, I worked on the dreaded puff pastry, and in the end it wasn’t as bad as I thought. Although a few of the layers of the puff pastry ripped and some butter leaked out, the chef helped me out a bit and in the end it turned out alright. Other than the rips in my puff pastry the practical class went by pretty good and smooth, not major problems.

With my lack of sleep, I continued onto demonstration class, feeling sleepy but I endured on. The class started off a bit slow and I really wanted to sleep, once the chef started to cook a few dishes and explain how to make this and that I woke up a bit. Today we learned how to make about 5 different dishes they were; charlotte aux pommes, crème renversee au caramel, poires au vin rouge, pruneaux au vin blanc and sobayon aux fruits. Charlotte aux pommes is kind of like an upside apple tart served with a crème anglaise (English sauce). Crème renversee au caramel is a dish that is made up with caramel on the bottom and an egg custard as the top filling and its baked. Poires au vin rouge is pear poached in red wine and pruneaux au vin blanc is prunes poaches in white wine. Sobayon aux fruits is a kind of desert that sort of looks like yogurt (look at the pictures below), we took strawberries and put some egg foam on top (it tastes better than it sounds haha). The recipes today weren’t so shocking as the other recipes we’ve learned so far, the recipe for tomorrow I actually have some confidence in reproducing it. For the first time during school, I’m actually somewhat confident in myself in reproducing what the chef has shown us. It feels great to have some confidence, I hope this feeling and this confidence stays with me through out the rest of the course.

Poires au vin rouge

Poires au vin rouge

Sobayon aux fruits

Sobayon aux fruits

Creme renversee au caramel

Creme renversee au caramel

Charlotte aux pommes

Charlotte aux pommes


  1. wow that Charlotte aux pommes design looks pretty sweet, u make it? and did u lay down each piece to get that pattern?

  2. lay down each piece separately*
