Thursday, February 12, 2009


Cote de boeuf grille, originally uploaded by FinasZ.

Ah from deep frying and braising we come to grilling! Today was especially fun since the chef began talking about grilling and showed us how to debone and grill a nice rib eye steak. The lesson started out with the chef talking about different terms and he also mentioned about different ways of cooking eggs. Three main types of egg cooking are in the shell, out of shell unmixed and out of shell mixed. The dishes that the chef went through with us were gratin dauphinois, oeufs mollets florntine, rouget grille beurre d’anchois and cote de boeuf grille beurre marchand de vin. The first one was a potato and cheese dish, then an egg with cheese + cream, then red snapper with anchovy butter and last but not least the grilled rib eye with red wine butter.

During the practical class things went pretty smooth for me, I was getting my reduction done and my vegetables cut right away. I worked furiously to get all my vegetables cut and ready to go, but with all my concentration I completely forgot about my red wine reduction. So it burned and I had to restart, that didn’t faze me too much, so I finished up my vegetables and continued onto my meat. I got really into cleaning the rib and making sure that the rib tips were very clean and guess what, my reduction burns yet again. Now at this point I’m getting a bit frustrated, I normally don’t burn my reductions and today it happened to me twice! We had run out of shallots and panicked, but used my friend’s shallots to make more reduction in the end. Since I rushed the reduction the end product of the butter wasn’t as flavorful as it could have been. Other than that screw up, my rib eye wasn’t fully cooked, since someone turned the right side of the grill to low and only kept the left side running at max. I didn’t’ realize this till the end when I was about to remove the steak. The cool thing about that was half the rib eye was rare while the other half was medium rare. I had a lot of fun deboning the rib and then cooking it after wards, even with those slight mistakes I still kept going till the end. Oh we also had to make fries and this baked tomato stuffed with parsley, garlic and bread crumbs. The fries I made were fine, but the tomato decided to look like the leaning tower of pizza.

Over all I had a pretty good day at school, a few stressful moments but in the end I managed to pull through.

Rouget grille
Rouget grille

Oeufs mollets florentine
Oeufs mollets florentine

Gratin dauphinois
Gratin dauphinois

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